E Commerce Podcast Assets 34

I like to say that a name can make a business but it’s probably not going to break your business. If you have a great product and a crappy name, you’re probably still going to do okay. But if you have a great name and a crap product [you’re probably not going to do very well].

— JJ Resnick

The quickest way to differentiate your brand and stand out amongst the competition is to create exciting and irresistible content.

— JJ Resnick

This is a difficult step. A lot of people end up quitting at this point because they're just terrified of sending thousands of dollars off to a Chinese supplier.

— JJ Resnick

Just make them happy because it’ll pay. It'll pay for that tenfold a hundredfold. These customers will tell their friends.

— JJ Resnick

By building your business from the perspective of your exit, you’ll have a better picture of what you need to do from year-to-year to reach your goals.

— JJ Resnick